NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art

Pouch & Bandolier
Pouch & Bandolier
Seminole Pouches & Bandoliers
Appendix & Bibliographic References

by David Mott and
Rick Obermeyer (Dec., 1990)

in 19th Century Seminole Men`s Clothing
Rick Obermeyer ~ Editor



Wool/strouding colors in CAPS, edging/bias in (Parentheses) and bead colors in Upper/lower case.

We know from historic evidence that dark blue wool/strouding was used for sashes and pouches, as well as red and black. Yet, it is often difficult to tell if specimens examined were made with black wool, or navy blue wool, or navy blue wool which has blackened with time. However, this may not be a valid assumption. Indigo was a standard blue dye, and indigo does not hold up without limit. Many artifacts that today appear light tan or yellow-ochre can be determined from traces to have been dark blue at one time. Therefore, many references to "BLK" are to be taken only as estimations.

Denver Art Mus., R1954.201
(Illus. #18, Conn, 1979) C.1825
Red Wht BluLbl Yel Dgr
Denver Art Mus., #1965.265

(Illus. #19, Conn, 1979) C.1830

PouchRed ( Ye1 )
Wht BlkRse Mst
Denver Art Mus., #Bse-5
(Illus.#240, Feder,1971) C.1840
SashRed ( Lbl ) Wht BlkRse Mst
Brooklyn Museum, 1838 Red ( Blk ) WhtBlu
Milford G. Chandler Coil. Red ( Blk ) WhtBlu
Smithsn.N380668(Nl,Goggin,1951),1849 Red ( Blk ) WhtBlu
Mus.Am.Ind., Heye #8/4209
PouchRed ( Tur ) WhtBlu
Mus.Am.Ind., Heye #8/4209
SashRed ( Wht ) WhtBlu Dgr
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., 1830's Blk ( Red )Wht Tur RseYel
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., Gainesville PouchRed ( Lbl ) WhtTur Blk Yel
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., Gainesville Sash Blk( Mst) WhtTur Rse MstGrn
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist.,"Osceola's" PouchRed ( Blk ) WhtLbl Blk
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist.,"Osceola's" SashRed ( Gld ) WhtTur Blk
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., 1850's Pouch Blk( G1d ) WhtBlu Drd
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., Gainesville Blk ( Mst )Wht Blu Red
Fl.Mus.Nat.Hist., Gainesville Blk ( Blk?)Wht Blu Rse
Fleld Mus.Cat.#167917
Red Wht BluBlk Rse Grn
Fleld Mus.Cat.#167917
Blk ( Gld )Wht DblLbl RseMst
Fleld Mus. #258646,Chlcago(Cr/Sem?)
(Plate #58, Feder, 1971)
PouchRed ( Gld ) Wht










Fleld Mus. #258646,Chlcago(Cr/Sem?)
(Plate #58, Feder, 1971)
SashRed ( Gld ) Wht


BluLbl Rse DgrRed
Rautenstrauch-Joest Mus.,Cologne
PouchRed ( Blu ) WhtBlu LblPnk Blk
Rautenstrauch-Joest Mus.,Cologne
SashRed ( Blu ) Blu LblPnk Blk
Mus.Am.Ind.,Heye #13/5086 Blu Wht Lbl Red
Mus.Am.Ind.,Heye #2/5653 PouchRed
Mus.Nat.Hist., Denver Pouch Blk( Blu ) WhtBlu Rse
Mus.Nat.Hist., Denver Sash Blk( Blu ) WhtBlu LblRse?
Charleston Museum (Cr./Sem?) Red ( Gld ) WhtBlu Lbl Mst


Conn, Richard
1979 NATIVE AMERICAN ART IN THE DENVER ART MUSEUM. University of Washington Press, Seattle and London.

Feder, Norman
1971 AMERICAN INDIAN ART. Abrams, New York.

Feest, Christian F.
1980 NATIVE ARTS OF NORTH AMERICA. Oxford University Press, New York and Toronto.

Goggin, John M.
1951 Beaded Shoulder Pouches of the Florida Seminole. Florida Anthropologist, Vol. 4, No. 1-2: 2-17. Reprinted in "Indian and Spanish Selected Writings, Charles H. Fairbanks,, eds., pp. 64-68, University of Miami Press, Miami.

Obermeyer, Sherwood F. Jr.
1990 Private photographs.

Sturtevant, William
1990 Beaded Shoulder Sashes and Pouches. Lecture and slides, "Patchwork and Palmettos," Ft. Lauderdale Historical Association.

Beading & Designs on Seminole Pouches & Bandoliers

Backing, Edging & Detailing on Seminole Pouches & Bandoliers

Seminole Bandolier Attachment & Conclusions

Return to the Introduction to Seminole Pouches & Bandoliers

Complete Index to Articles in 19th Century Seminole Mens Clothing

Contributed by Rick Obermeyer E-mail:
From the book 19th Century Seminole Mens Clothing
© 1991-2000 Sherwood F. Obermeyer Jr., 2124 Miscindy Place, Orlando, FL 32806

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