
Point Type:  Vosburg                     
Associated Date: 6000 - 4300 B.P.
Morphology:  Corner Notched

Length Point:        
Ave: [ 40 +/-  6 mm]  
Range: [ 25 to 65 mm] 
Example: [ 34 mm]

Width Point:         
Ave: [ 25 +/-  3 mm]  
Range: [ 20 to 35 mm] 
Example: [ 26 mm]

Point Ratio (Width / Length):  
Ave: [.64 +/- .12 ]

Length of Base:      
 (Shoulder to Base)
Ave: [ 6  +/-  2 mm]  
Range: [ 4  to 10 mm] 
Example: [  6 mm]

Width of Base:       
Ave: [ 21 +/-  3 mm]  
Range: [ 15 to 27 mm] 
Example: [ 22 mm]

Depth of Notch:      
Ave: [2.9 +/- 1.3  mm] 

Base Length/Point Ratio:  
 (Length of Base  / Length Point)
Ave: [.16 +/- .04 ]

Base Width/Point Ratio:          
 (Width of Base  / Width Point)
Ave: [.84 +/- .12 ]
Base Ratio:        Ave: [.29 +/- .10 ] 		1. Short (<= 0.7)  
 (Base Length                                		2. Proportionate (> 0.7 & < 1.3)  
   / Base Width)                            		3. Long (>= 1.3)

Base Form:           1. Convex   2. Straight   3. Concave  

Notch Ratio:       Ave: [.11 +/- .06 ]
 (Depth Notch 
   / Width Point)

Blade Ratio:       Ave: [1.4 +/-  .3 ] 		1. Lanceolate (>= 2.0 mm)
 ([Length Point                                     		2. Isosceles (< 2.0 & > 1.2 mm)
    - Length Base] / Width)                        		3. Equilateral (<= 1.2 mm)
Blade Curvature:   Ave: [2.6 +/-  .4 mm]   	1. Very Convex (>= 5 mm)
 (Cord height of curve                       		2. Convex (< 5 mm & >= 2 mm)
  from Shoulder to Tip)                      		3. Straight (< 2 mm & >= -2 mm)   
                                                   		4. Concave (< -2 mm)
                                                   		5. Mixed (< -2 mm & > 2 mm)
Shoulder Angle:    Ave: [ 75 +/-  17 o]
 (Angle of Shoulder from   
 Notch Center to Shoulder to Tip)

© 1993 - Tara Prindle